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Giovanni Foresti
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He has been researching on theatre communication for thirty years now, both in Europe and Brasil.

Trained with Pierre Byland, Mareike Schnitker, Philippe Gaulier, Jean-Paul Denizon, Bepi Monai, Boris Ruge, Ian Algie,  Annika Strøhm e Saba Salvemini, Mauro Piombo, Philip Radice, Jango Edwards, Mamadou Dioume. Before fully committing to theatre, he had his share in politics and worked as cultural organiser.

Con la Compagnie Les Fusains (Parigi) ha lavorato, dal 2011 al 2013, in “MasterKlass”, uno spettacolo con la regia di Byland che ha debuttato al Théâtre de l’Épée de Bois di Parigi ed è stato replicato all’interno dei Festival “Le clown fait le Byland”.

He has collaborated for several years with Pierre Byland in his workshops on the search for its own clown. With Les Fusains, from 2011 to 2013  he worked in “MasterKlass”, a show which debuted at the Théâtre de l’Épée de Bois in Paris, directed by Byland as part of the “Le clown fait le Byland” festivals.

Co-lead and co-producer of feature film «Il vento fa il suo giro» (2004)

Directed by Giogio Diritti, this film toured all over ther world and became a cinematic case. Foresti also worked as actor/coach in “Anche i morti ballano” by Beppe Calopresti (carried out in partnership with a Psychiatric Centre) and starred in the feature “E fu sera e fu mattina” by Emanuele Caruso.


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He is co-founder of Oucloupo (Opificio di Clown Potenziale). It’s a training, theatrical research and production project which has been creating shows and live performances for the street and on stage.

He has been responsible, inter alia, of the artistic direction of "Settimo Clown" Festival, in the province of Torino, Italy.

In cooperation with Paola Omodeo Zorini he holds workshops on neutral mask and “clandestine” clown.

Together, they have written and directed several shows among wich

« La Fame », whose French version, “Pain ou cacahuetes?”, created by the Italo-Swiss company SDF (Compagnie Sans Domicile Fixe), is directed by Albert Nicolet. He plays clarinet and violin.

Paola Omodeo Zorini

Her theatrical background starts in 1993 when she attended “Maigret&Magritte” school in Turin.

Since 2002, she has been training and researching by attending several Pierre Byland workshops. She has then kept on training with  Mareike Schnitker, Ian Algie, Giovanna Mori, Federica Tardito, Jean-Paul Denizon, Philippe Gaulier, Boris Ruge, Annika Strøhm, Saba Salvemini, Mamadou Dioume, Oliviero Giovannoni, Paolo Antonio Simioni, Nicole Kehrberger.

In 2005, in the context of a barter with Odin Teatret organized by the University of Turin, with Giovanni Foresti and other artists she cooperates with Kai Bredholt in the creation of a Community theatre show.

Between 2009 and 2016, she has worked as staff in the summer Pierre Byland workshops on the search for your own clown.


From 2009 she has collaborated with the Italo-German actress Sarah Georg and the Melquiades association (IT/G) and created performances and both children street theatre and on stage. 

From 2011 to 2014 she has been part of the Pierre Byland company Les Fusains (Franche/Swisse) and she has acted in the shows “Masterklass” and “Cadavre Exquis”.

Together with Giovanni Foresti, she has written and directed several shows and founded the Italo-Swiss company SDF (Compagnie Sans Domicile Fixe) with Albert Nicolet.

Actually she is working on a new show, where she is author and actress and Forest is director.

She plays accordeon and piano.

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